Saturday, 27 September 2014

My last days as a non-mum

As #babybuchanan2014's eviction date gets closer and closer, it has got me thinking about what life will be like once he arrives and completely takes over my world. Being a first time mum (FTM for those in mummyland) I am aware that I have no idea what it will be like and I only have the experiences of others and my own ideas to go off. Many mummy friends have told me that I will not get much sleep (yes, I expected that) but it is also the everyday routine and daily challenges that have me perplexed.

For example, I have been told that it will be hard to go to the toilet on my own. This I don't understand. If I put the baby down in his cot during the first few months he won't move, so why can't I duck to the bathroom for a couple of minutes? He'll just be there when I get back. Same with the shower - if he's changed and fed, isn't that the perfect time to have a quick rinse? I understand that this will change once the little grommit is on the move - now that will be chaos!

I must admit that I don't find newborns very cute - they often look like wrinkly old men (and not in a Hugh Hefner kind of way). They often smell funny too and the thought of not holding them properly scares the beejezus out of me! I have been told that all parents have a hormone in them which blinds them from the fact that their baby is ugly. This could be true - actually let's hope that it is. Look, in comparison I think that there are no dogs cuter than mine, yet I am sure a couple of people would disagree (yes, only a couple) so maybe this explains it.

Friend J told me to write a list of what I am enjoying doing right now, pre-baby, so that when I am wondering what my life used to be like I can look back on this post and reminisce (with a glass of Windows Estate 2013 Chenin Blanc in hand).
  • Jumping in the car in 5 minutes and heading to my favourite shops with only a small handbag
  • Sleeping
  • Watching trashy TV
  • Cuddling my dogs on my bed
  • Wearing clothes without 'easy access' to my huge jugs
  • Having an hour long bubble bath
  • Going to the movies - ALL BY MYSELF
  • More shopping (and nesting)

So as my little ninja spends his last few days in the cosiest hotel, I am going to try my best to cherish these final few moments as a non-mum.


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