Well folks I can’t believe that time has flown this fast and we are already 100 posts down. I have enjoyed the ride and I hope you have too. Hopefully the posts are getting better and are still interesting and I hope to keep on blogging.
So what better way to celebrate such a milestone than with the gorgeous wedding of two lovely people, L and S.
On Saturday evening friend J and I dolled ourselves up (Zimmermann and Manning Cartell – BOOM!) and headed with sister-friend L and hubby S to Matilda Bay Restaurant.
At this point I have to admit something. Something quite huge. I wore heels. Argh – I know! It goes against everything I stand for, but I felt it was necessary due to the nature of the event. Apologies.
Anyhoo, back to the story. Bride L looked stunning as she walked down the aisle after her sister and bridesmaid A. The ceremony was so beautiful, overlooking the Swan River at sunset. Divine.
The nights festivities included drinking bubbles, eating glorious food and world domination on the dance floor! Let’s just say it was not pretty the next day.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I welcome any comments or suggestions and hope
that you continue to enjoy ‘Girl in the Flat Shoes’ (sometimes in heels).
H x
100 blogs = Official Blogger! Congratulations x